Learn from Joe
- How to optimize your nutrition for maximum health and energy
- The most effective exercise to get lean and fit
- State-of-the-art supplementation
10 one-hour phone coaching sessions with Joe: $5,000 | A full year of coaching, weekly personal phone calls: $12,500 |
What is the Difference in The Joe Dillon Difference?
Safe. "First, do no harm" as the Greek physician Hippocrates said. The Joe Dillon Difference is safe for you and your family. The Joe Dillon Difference is safe for pregnant women, lactating women, and growing children. The Joe Dillon Difference is safe for high school and college athletes. The Joe Dillon Difference is safe for Olympic and World Class athletes. The Joe Dillon Difference is safe for adults in their Golden Years like Joe.
Scientific. The Joe Dillon Difference is based on peer-reviewed scientific research. As a result, The Joe Dillon Difference will change and evolve over time as new and better scientific research emerges.
Sustainable. The Joe Dillon Difference is about long-term strategic thinking. The Joe Dillon Difference is a cumulative process. Example: in his late 70's Joe is having the best blood test results he has ever had in his life and Joe is a former All American swimmer. His triglycerides are 28. His fasting insulin is 2.0. His HDL (good) cholesterol is 111.
Simple. "Simplicty on the far side of complexity" as Dr. Stephen Covey (the author of the best selling Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) said. The Joe Dillon Difference is distilled down to a level of simplicity and practicality that works in the real world - at home or on the road. "Refine the process constantly and forever" as W. Edwards Deming said. During 25 years of business travel and flying over 5 million miles with American Airlines, Joe refined his process to a Zen-like simplicity and clarity. Joe will share his process with you and your family.
Supportive. The Joe Dillon Difference supports and nourishes optimal health, peak performance, and maximum health span for 90 to 120 years. The Joe Dillon Difference provides state-of-the-art nutrition, the most effective exercise and recovery, and the highest quality whey protein isolate protein powder and supplementation. The Joe Dillon Difference supports and nourishes the most competitive high school and college athletes and academic achievement. The Joe Dillon Difference supports and nourishes emotional stability and mental clarity for life.
Self-Selected. The Joe Dillon Difference is not for every one. The Joe Dillon Difference is for strong, open-minded people who think for themselves. The Joe Dillon Difference is for people who have escaped the Black Box of conventional wisdom. Optimal health and high level performance is a choice. Your body does not lie. The health and condition of your body is a manifestation of your continual high quality choices.
Effective. The Joe Dillon Difference works. The Joe Dillon Difference produces measurable results. You will see black and white empirical improvements in your semi-annual comprehensive blood tests. Your clothes will get looser. You will get leaner as proven by your monthly Body Composition tests. The Joe Dillon Difference will give you the results that you want based on your goals. The Joe Dillon Difference is a way of life for you and your family.