Fall Semester and a Brand New World

August 13, 2024

Aerial view of college campus

This was the first semester of the brand new campus of the College of San Mateo. Overwhelmed at first trying to find out where I needed to go, I struggled to get my classes for the new semester. No clearer on my educational goals, I stuck with pre-med. I took a requied math class, the second year of German and a chemistry class.

In the process I met Rich Donner – a new physical education teacher and the coach of the water polo and swimming teams. Coach Donner immediately tried to recruit me for water polo in the fall. Never having played water polo, I begged off but to committed to swim in the spring semester. Coach Donner, a former star water polo goalie and swimming star, was enthusiastic with a great sense of humor.

People walking around a college campus

It was during that week before school started that I got Laurie’s letter. Laurie shared that she had begun to review our relationship during her relaxed 2 hour drive back from Bakersfield to Pasadena. She realized she felt releived on her drive back. She realized she was driving at a much more relaxed pace as she decompressed on her way home. She liked me, she said, but my pace was just too intense for her. She felt she was always behind, was always trying to catch up. As a result she was tense all the time. My pace was just too fast for her. The start of the new school year seemed like a natural time to make a break.

As I read Laurie’s letter, I realized I felt relieved. I had often felt impatient around her. Also, I was not looking forward to the long drives to Pasadena. I wrote back and thanked her for her frank and gentle letter. I agreed with her. I told her in all sincerity that she was a great gal, how much I valued our experience together, and I wished her luck.

I was starting the new school year with greater resolve to apply myself to my classes and to begin to train for spring swimming.

Denny's restaurant sign at duskThe following week school started. I didn’t know anyone in my chemistry class. I recognized a couple of people from first year German the year before. As I waited for my math class to begin, I recognized a familiar face:  Anne. I knew Anne from Hillsdale high school.  Anne had been a cheer leader and looked the part: warm, upbeat, great smile, perky body and a great kidder. The new semester began to look promising.

That night I got a phone call. It was Anne.

“I’m not the greatest at math but I need this class to get into UCLA. Do you want to study together?”  she asked.

Anne only lived a couple of blocks from me.

“Well, I’m no math whiz myself but I need the class for my pre-med requirements. Maybe we can help each other. So, yeah, let’s try it.”

So the next night around 7 pm I drove to Anne’s house. We sat at the kitchen table and tried to make sense of the math homework. Anne’s parents were downstairs watching television.

We actually made a good team. Where I was weak, she was strong and vice versa. We made good progress on the math homework and actually enjoyed doing it. As we were productive, we agreed to meet in the evenings and work through the math homework problems.

The following week, during our study session, Anne said her neck was tight. I offered to massage her neck and shoulders. Anne appreciated it so much it became a regular part of her study sessions. Toward the end of the week, I asked her out to a movie on Saturday night. We enjoyed a romantic comedy and had a snack at the Denny’s all night diner a few blocks from the theater. We both had fun.

The following week as I was massaging her neck and shoulders, I leaned down and kissed her. She kissed me back. With her parents just downstairs watching TV, we had to keep cool.

The following weekend we went to another movie, had our snack at Denny’s. When we drove home, I parked near her house and we made out. It was really fun being with Anne. She was so quick and I loved her sense of humor. She was a great kidder but there was no bite to her digs. And she had the warmest, most joyful laugh.

For the following weekend I invited Anne to go dancing and club hopping in North Beach in San Francisco. I had had a fake ID since I was 17 so I could get into the jazz clubs on Columbus avenue and Broadway. I made one for Anne.

Collage of San Francisco nightlife

I picked up Anne Saturday night. She looked so hot. We drove the 20 or so miles to North Beach yakking non-stop all the way. We valet parked my 56 VW bug and began working our way along Columbus avenue. Each club had a small rock and roll band and a tiny dance floor. The minimum drinks were watered down and outrageously expensive. The dance floors were jammed but it was so fun. Given Anne’s cheerleader background, she was an awesome dancer. I was so proud Anne was my date. We were both in great shape and made a good looking couple.

We hit half a dozen clubs and danced until after midnight. We were both so energized by the dancing and live rock and roll music, we talked non-stop all the way home. I loved Anne’s enthusiasm. Anne was game for anything.  In fact, Anne upped the ante as much as I did. She was fearless and wide-open for new experiences. We had candid, frank conversations and quickly grew close. Her joy and enthusiasm was infectious. Anne made everything we did together more fun. We were both hungry for new experiences and eager to deepen our relationship. And we were both getting good grades in our math class. We made a great team.

Thank you for listening.

As always, I wish you and your family the very best of health.
