Hemingway, DHA & Preventing Dementia
October 21, 2024
It is with a combination of excitement and trepidation that I head north toward Ketchum and Sun Valley, Idaho. You see, this is Hemingway country. Hemingway, the great, Nobel Prize winning writer who transformed prose short story and novel writing forever. His style was crystal clear and riveting. Not an extra word. Lean. Distilled to the essence. He came into his own after the First World War in Paris, France.
Once I read my first Hemingway short story as a senior in high school, I was hooked. His stories of adventure and courage deeply resonated with me. I ended up reading nearly everything fiction and non-fiction that he had written. Hemingway is as fundamental to American literature as Mark Twain whom he greatly admired. Hemingway was not only a great writer, he was a consummate outdoorsman. He loved to fly fish for trout in the rivers near Ketchum and hunt for birds in the fields. Hemingway was an expert shot.
It was easy to romanticize Hemingway and his life of adventure. That made his end all the more tragic. Especially as it was preventable.
The drive through the fall colors up toward Ketchum at over 5,800 feet altitude and the Bitterroot Mountains soaring over 10,000 feet in altitude. As I would round a curve, there was another magnificent landscape. As I drove, I reflected upon one of the themes I mentioned in our last newsletter: DHA. Super Omega-3 and DHA are critical for pregnant and postpartum women for the growing fetus and to prevent or at least minimize postpartum depression. And to enrich her breast milk to enhance the growing baby’s brain. Studies have shown that one whole pasture-raised egg a day given to a growing child once weaned off the breast will permanently add 15 IQ points for life to that child. Given that IQ is the best single predictor of success, that’s a pretty big deal.
The combination of the powerful anti-inflammatory benefits of Super Omega-3 and the incredibly beneficial effect of supplemental DHA is undeniable. Hemingway, the brilliant writer, succumbed to dementia and suicide. Of course, it didn’t help that Hemingway was an alcoholic – alcohol being insanely brain-toxic. There are dozens of examples of cultures eating diets rich in fish oil and DHA for thousands of years without the slightest trace of dementia. That is one reason why I personally take 12 Super Omega-3 fish oil capsules every single day without fail. A small price to pay for a crystal-clear mind at 80 and looking forward to at least another 20.
Your body (and brain) do not lie.
Your body (and brain) keep the score.
In the fall of 1964, Ketchum was a fairly small, low-key town surrounded by the magnificent Bitterroot Mountains.
Once I got oriented in Ketchum, I headed for the cemetery. There, under some trees is the modest grave of the Nobel Prize-winning writer Ernest Hemingway, author of some of the finest short stories in any language. The Sun Also Rises is my favorite novel of his. And Green Hills of Africa, the first non-fiction novel, is about big game hunting.
I stood quietly, sadly, and respectfully beside Hemingway’s grave. I recalled that I was teaching swimming in July, 1961 when I heard that Hemingway had killed himself at age 61. I thought it was a waste at the time, but now at 80, it seems an even bigger waste. Tolstoy was still writing great literature at 80. Picasso was still painting great paintings in his 90’s. Frank Lloyd Wright was still productive and creative in his 90’s.
I don’t know about you but I find it tremendously encouraging that we can take something every day that has phenomenally positive health and longevity benefits, allows us to prevent a devastating condition, without a single negative side effect. There are very few deals in life anywhere near as good as that.
I revisited DHA because Hemingway was on my pilgrim’s path and he is such a graphic example of a devastating nutritional deficiency. In 1961, I had no clue why this genius writer would destroy himself. Hemingway is just a graphic example of the millions of American lives destroyed for lack of a simple nutrient. Even more tragic is the current demonization of whole eggs, the second richest source of DHA after Super Omega-3 fish oil. I do at least 6 whole pasture raised eggs every single day.
As I continue my odyssey and head for two of the most majestic and magnificently beautiful National Parks in America – Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, I will discuss a few more of our greatest American writers. I think immediately of Thoreau and Walden Pond in New Hampshire and, of course, President Lincoln and the Gettysburg Battlefield.
Here is my current JDD Morning Shake.
Start your day with the best tasting, highest quality protein for you and your family. Plus 2 tablespoons of either olive oil or avocado oil – two super healthy mono-unsaturated fats. Salt to taste – at least a quarter teaspoon of salt. A massive 17-country study proved that 90% of us need at least 2 teaspoons of salt a day. An optional ½ up to a full cup of low glycemic load raw strawberries (raw strawberries have a glycemic load of 2 – remember we want carbs with a glycemic load of 2.0 or less – that eliminates grains). And for an extra rich, thick and creamy shake, add a half up to a whole avocado – amazingly healthy fat. Drink your JDD shake and take your Super Omega-3 fish oil and feed your brain DHA.
Remember, don’t trust me. Trust your Male or Female blood panel. Your blood panel does not lie. I do mine every 3-4 months. My fasting insulin (maybe the most important inflammation biomarker) is 2.0. My CRP (another major inflammation biomarker) is 0.17.
As always, I wish you and your family the very best of health.