Preview of My Upcoming YouTube Channel

October 7, 2024

Joe with hand weights, title image

I share my autobiography with you because I want you to understand what I stand for and how I got here. I am 80 and I have lived a very full life as you will see. The next big section of this series of newsletters is going to be about my 13,000 mile 46 state exploration of our great country alone at 20 years old in my 56 VW Bug. That 4 month odyssey will cover a number of newsletters. I think you will be amazed at the level of my intellectual sophistication and curiosity at age 20.

Vietnam war soldiersThe next big section will be about my 3 years of Marine Corps experiences starting with bootcamp January of 1965 through 12 ½ months of full on combat in the jungles of Vietnam as a 22 year old squad leader to my being shot by an NVA soldier with an AK-47 through my right thigh in one of the biggest battles of the Vietnam War: the battle of Con Thien near the DMZ. To my arriving home on a stretcher in the late fall of 1967 at the age of 23. That was 60 years ago. So we have a lot of life to cover.

I say this by way of introduction of my new YouTube channel which will be up and running within the next 30 to 60 days.

Just like the general topic of my newsletters is my autobiography, the general topic of my YouTube channel will be, What are Optimal Health, Peak Performance, Maximum Health Span? And how do you attain and sustain this process so you can break 100, drug-free, disease-free, with a crystal clear mind?

In 2012 I published a 300-page,100,000-word book which was the state-of-the-art at the time. Since then science has learned a lot, like gene slicing for example. During that same almost 15 year span of time I have learned a lot, like the incredible control we each have over our health. For example, dementia, senility and Alzheimer’s are preventable, drug free.

Sugar content of rice vs CokeInflammation is the root cause of all degenerative disease. Inflammation is self-inflicted. The hormone insulin is THE most powerful fat storing hormone in your body. Chronically elevated levels of insulin are a major cause of inflammation. We can measure how much a given food raises the insulin level in your blood. It is called glycemic LOAD. The healthiest, most nourishing foods have a glycemic LOAD of zero. For example, whole eggs have a glycemic load of zero. On the other hand, pretzels have a glycemic load of 66. Gluten-free bread is 76. Taco shells are 41. Steamed brown rice is 22. For example, there is more sugar in one cup of steamed brown rice than in a 12 ounce can of regular Coke.

We want our fasting insulin (one of the most important blood inflammation biomarkers) to be less than 5. My fasting insulin is 2. We ideally want to eating foods with a glycemic load of 2, 1, or better yet, zero.

Want to be pain free? Inflammation is what causes most chronic pain. Chronically elevated inflammation is what causes dementia. If we look at the studies of cultures like the Greenland Eskimos who have eaten a diet with a glycemic load of zero for thousands of years, their inflammation blood levels are less than one. They have zero heart disease. Zero cancer. Zero dementia.

Fried eggsThe glycemic load of whole pasture raised eggs fried in butter or coconut oil is zero. Whole eggs are incredibly nutritious and awesome for your brain and your children’s brains. Studies have proven that giving a child at least one whole egg a day from early childhood though at least age 18 will permanently raise their IQ 15 points. Why? DHA.

Do you know what your fasting insulin blood level is? Over 90% of all doctors never test for it. Look back through your past blood results. Don’t be shocked if you can’t find fasting insulin anywhere in your results.

Our health is our responsibility. I do my full blood panel every 6 months. Are you enhancing your health or tearing it down? How do you know? Waiting until you have your first health crisis is playing a dangerous game. Dementia, for example, is not reversible. First symptom of dementia or Alzheimer’s and it’s all over. At 80, I am having the best blood panels in my entire life and I am a former All American swimmer.

Collage of fit people

Do you know what your true ideal body weight is? Not based on some height and weight chart – those are a joke. But based upon your own individual lean body mass (muscles, bones, organs, and the fluids of your body – your fat free weight. Matt Tunney at 57 years old has an elite body fat of 7%. Ken Passariello has a world class body fat of 1.8%. I know: I underwater weighed Ken myself at the Mr. America contest. Cynthia at 54 years old (another Joe Dillon client) has an elite body fat of 8%. 

You can have optimal health now. You can still perform at a very high level. At 80, my resting heart rate is still 46. The last time I did the Grand Canyon rim to river to rim in under 12 hours I was 72.

I want to give you a taste of what I am going to be sharing on my upcoming YouTube channel. The key is to establish an empirical baseline now – a Male or Female panel – you can order it on my website at my Online Store. Do you know and understand what all those numbers mean? Which numbers are the most important? These are just a few of the topics I will be discussing in depth. Then start to clean up your diet. Get rid of the high glycemic load foods. Start eating more foods with glycemic loads of zero. Redo your blood panel in 90 days. You will be pleasantly surprised not only how much better you feel, how much more energy you have, but how dramatically your blood panel has improved.

You can do it. We each have tremendous control over our body and our health. Excess body fat is not about vanity. Excess body fat is a powerful endocrine gland that pumps out massive amounts of inflammatory cytokines. Leaner is better.  

A leaner, healthier, more energetic body and a crystal clear brain – if that is of interest to you – stay tuned.

Joe Dillon Morning Shake instructions

Kick start every day with a JDD shake and get ready to look and feel great.

The Joe Dillon Difference is NOT a diet. The Joe Dillon Difference is a way of life.  A long, healthy, happy, productive life. 

As always, I wish you and your family the very best of health.