Glimpse of a Much Bigger World
June 17, 2024
With athletics, I caught a glimpse of elite success. Intelligence and privilege don't get you anywhere without hard work and discipline.
Joe Dillon’s early History: First Half Senior Year
June 3, 2024
A New BreakfastI had a good summer teaching swimming. I saved some money and bought myself a car: a used 1956 VW bug for $600. I now had…
Meet Coach Vermeil
May 21, 2024
Early in the first semester of my junior year in high school, I met the new swimming coach. He was the football coach in the fall and the…
A Ray of Sunshine
May 7, 2024
The rest of the first semester of my sophomore year in high school passed in sort of a gray fog. I went to my classes each day, sat glassy-eyed and…
Joe Dillon’s Early History: Traumatic Sophomore Year
April 22, 2024
At the start of my sophomore year in high school, I was even more uncomfortable than during my freshman year. I had regained the weight I had…
Joe Dillon’s early History: Start High School
April 8, 2024
Being a shy introvert, starting my freshman year at a high school with over 2,000 students overwhelmed me. Every hour, the bell would ring, and the…
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