“Secrets” of Weight Loss: Part 2
May 30, 2023
Eating high glycemic load carbohydrates means your blood sugar is chronically low, you are constantly hungry and craving sweet foods, and you are often depressed and anxious.
Golden Window: “Secrets” of Weight Loss: Part 1
May 15, 2023
In this three-part series I will share with you some “secrets” – some scientific, physiological facts that will facilitate your fat burning and toning up.
Love Your Future Self Like You Love Your Child
May 1, 2023
If I was going to coach and promote optimal health, I had to set a good example. I want to convey true loving kindness to all the future selves and their children that I work with.
The Art and Science of the Shake: Part 2
April 12, 2023
In part one, we established the importance (essential) of complete animal protein. Now let’s talk about sources of high quality…
The Art and Science of the Shake: Part 1
March 29, 2023
A JDD shake is the simplest, safest and fastest way to get the highest possible nutrition into your body. That’s a pretty bold…
2023 Heavy Hands Walking: Part 3
March 15, 2023
Progression: What is the optimal combination of intensity and volume to build your strength, stamina, and resilience? Let's talk about how to progress with Heavy Hands Walking.
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