"Secrets" of Weight Loss: Part 8: Wet Drunk? Dry Drunk?
September 1, 2023
One of my first speaking jobs was for the National Council on Alcoholism. That is when I learned that people get drunk different ways.
"Secrets" of Weight Loss: Part 7: It's Not Your Fault
August 16, 2023
The mismatch between what humans evolved to eat and our food supply today is working against us. But there is a way to counter the effects.
"Secrets" of Weight Loss: Part 6: Appetite Stimulants
July 26, 2023
This article will introduce you to the 3 main appetite stimulants — chronic exhaustion, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners — and help you understand why you seem to have no willpower at times.
Secrets of Weight Loss: Part 5: Rituals
July 17, 2023
Most people live chaotically with no rhyme or reason. It's time to take your habits to a deeper level. The concept of ritual incorporates mindfulness — being fully present as you go about your life.
"Secrets" of Weight Loss: Part 4: Metabolism
June 21, 2023
There are several components of your metabolism – all of which are largely within your control: lean body mass, aerobic fitness level, and how metabolically active your muscles are.
“Secrets” of Weight Loss: Part 3
June 7, 2023
To get the look and feel of what you really want, you need to improve your body composition, which means to get leaner means to lose fat and simultaneously enhance your lean body mass.
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