2023 Heavy Hands Walking: Part 2
March 1, 2023
Here's how to duplicate the incredible fitness and fat burning benefits of cross country skiing by walking at a comfortable pace and pumping very light hand weights starting with just one pound in each hand.
2023 Heavy Hands Walking: Part 1
February 16, 2023
Heavy hands walking is a safe, simple, and a practical way to get into shape.
2023 Resolutions Part 2: Most Effective Exercise
February 1, 2023
Exercise is an integral component of getting and staying lean because lean body muscle mass is use it or lose it.
2023 Resolutions Part 1
January 18, 2023
Your 2023 resolutions are for the entire year of 2023. Just because you slip, does not mean your 2023 resolution is void. The idea is to keep progressing and to accomplish your big goal by or before the end of the year.
Are You Committed? Part 2
December 28, 2022
Your body does not lie. Your body tells you and everyone in your life who you really are when no one is looking.
Are You Committed?
December 14, 2022
As we approach the end of 2022, this is an ideal time to give serious thought to your goals for 2023. What is a goal? How do we go about setting a goal? A goal is only effective if it motivates you to get out of bed and do something about it.
Knowlege is power.
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